If you are in a high risk pregnancy or have a history of miscarriage, here are suggestions that may help to protect your baby.
If you have had a miscarriage in the past or the doctor claims you are in a high risk pregnancy, you may be at risk of miscarrying this pregnancy. While no one, not even a doctor, can guarantee a safe pregnancy and a healthy outcome, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of a successful delivery. Ask your doctor before trying these :
- Eat healthy. Follow a nutritious diet plan that limits fat intake and includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Your doctor may be able to recommend a plan that will help you eat the right number of calories and get enough fiber and other necessary nutrients.
- Drink water. Replace sugary or caffeine beverages with several glasses of water each day. Occasional tea or coffee is acceptable with your doctor's consent, but don't overdo it. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
- Take your medicine. Your doctor will most likely prescribe supplemental prenatal vitamins, possibly with minerals and/or iron. You may need to take other medications as well. Don’t stop taking these medications because you may compromise your child’s health.
- Follow your doctor's orders. Rest, avoid tobacco, and report unusual symptoms to your doctor. Get required blood work and other tests done. Ask questions and seek clarification if you don’t understand something that was said. Heeding medical advice can help you avoid possible complications.
- Exercise in moderation. A comfortable walking routine of 30 to 40 minutes a day in safe conditions may be beneficial if your doctor approves. Twenty minutes of daily fresh air, without tanning or sunburn, is good for you, too, preferably in the morning or evening.
- Don't worry. Make social connections. Keep a diary of your feelings. Tell the doctor if you're unduly depressed or stressed. A calm mental state can help to protect your pregnancy and allow you to enjoy this special phase of life.
- Get educated. Learn all you can about pregnancy and about your body. Understand what is normal and abnormal for you. Take childbirth preparation and child care classes. Surf the Internet for information about pregnancy and your baby's development, but be sure your sources are sound and not posted by amateurs.
- Get adequate rest. Aim for eight hours of sleep each night, with maybe a short nap in the afternoon, especially during the first trimester when you will feel extra tired. Don't push yourself beyond sensible limits. Avoid strain or heavy work. Ask your husband for help with housework.
- Take it easy. Your body will naturally slow down as the baby grows inside. Put your feet up when you can, reduce your busy schedule, and enjoy time with your husband as you plan for the baby. Avoid climbing on ladders and slippery spots. You may want to put a non-skid mat in your bathtub or shower. Take a few extra precautions to make life easier and your pregnancy safer.
Maintain a proactive approach to managing your pregnancy. Keep scheduled doctor's visits, and call the office to report anything that seems unusual. Ask your doctor if you are a candidate for one of the preventative measures that may help your pregnancy, such as a cerclage for an incompetent cervix. Working with your doctor and doing your part can optimize your chances for a healthy baby.
By : Rose Halas