A pregnancy test taken after the expected date of a missed period followed by a diagnosis from your doctor is the best way to confirm a pregnancy. But, within the first days and weeks after conception a woman's body goes through many changes to make room for a baby. Pay attention to your body and recognize the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
Watch for signs of fatigue. Early in pregnancy a woman's body produces more progesterone while her blood pressure and blood sugar level drop. This combination causes general tiredness and exhaustion.
Follow your nose. Hormonal changes early in pregnancy lead to a stronger sense of smell. Certain smells can cause nausea or food aversions.
Take your body temperature. A woman's basal body temperature rises on her ovulation date and lowers on the first day of her period. A higher basal body temperature after your expected start date is an early sign of pregnancy.
Check for implantation bleeding about ten days past conception when the egg attaches to a woman's uterus. You may see light spotting for a day or two.
Feel your breasts. Early pregnancy hormone changes cause your breasts to become fuller, tender and even sore to the touch.
Pay attention to frequent headaches. Mild but frequent headaches are triggered by changes in a woman's hormone levels during the early stages of pregnancy.
Keep extra fiber handy. Those pesky pregnancy hormones also bring on constipation.
By : eHow Health Editor