Welcome to motherhood. It is a sense of pride and privilege for you to have a bundle of joy in your arms. Those nine months are over, but here begins a new journey for you and your baby. If it is your first time, make sure you have all your questions answered. Do not feel embarrassed or wonder what you should ask or if complain about a pain. Give it out whatever it is.Care taken during pregnancy is known as prenatal care. Once you know you are pregnant consult a doctor immediately. The prenatal care advice is given by the doctor, midwife or the consultant. Once you know you are pregnant consult the doctor immediately so that the right medication begins.Make sure you attend all the classes structured for your prenatal visits, even at the time when you are feeling fine. Because it is very important to know your internal condition and the growth of the baby. When you are pregnant you will experience constipation, morning nausea, headaches, heartburn and stretch marks. Frequent urination also occurs as there is tremendous pressure on the bladder by the uterus. Even though the bladder is empty the pressure causes the feeling of urination. Do not control yourself, give in whenever you feel like urinating.Once the baby is delivered it is the decision of the parents to breastfeed or bottle feed. Make a choice to benefit the baby and you. It is observed that those who breastfeed, their babies have less risk for developing diarrhoea, asthma, diabetes, allergies, respiratory infections and leukaemia. To the mother, breastfeeding helps in faster recovery, faster reduction of weight and reduces the risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.Before you feed your baby look for signs telling you that your baby is hungry. Mouth wide open like a yawn with the tongue sticking a bit out, constant flutter in the eyes even though they are closed, lip smacking are a few of the signs telling you the baby is hungry. Crying is a later indication when the baby is a bit older. When your baby cries it is very important to calm him or her down and then feed.It is important to burp your baby when feeding is done. Often air goes in as the baby is feeding and hence it is important to remove the air out. You can keep the baby over the shoulder and pat the back slowly. You can also keep the baby in a sitting position and support him or her with your hand and pat the back is another way. If your baby does not burp you can continue feeding. But always consult your doctor before you make your own remedies.By : jennie
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