Are ADHD vitamins effective in the treatment of ADHD as compared to medications? This type of question by concerned parents are often seen in health forums. ADHD is a medical condition which makes it hard for the person who has it to sit still or focus on the task in hand. At present, the causes of ADHD remains a mystery but most people believed it is heredity. Other possible causes include environmental stress, oxygen deprivation at birth, environmental stress/pollutants, prenatal trauma, artificial food additives, and even watching too much television. In recent times, scientists have been conducting numerous studies aimed at identifying the potential benefits of using nutritional supplements to treat ADHD. Common nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals have been scrutinised in recent times to test their abilities to enhance attentiveness and lower hyperactivity levels. The findings thus far are mixed, but some people who have ADHD have been advised to take ADHD vitamins.Omega - 3, which can be found in fish, such as salmon and tuna, other marine life such as algae and krill, certain plants, and nut oils, is more often than not the first ADHD vitamin to be prescribed for people with ADHD. It seems to affect the brain in such a way that mental focus is enhanced. Restoration of proper fatty acid balance is considered important as ADHD children often face problems in converting essential fatty acids. In 2003, a study, which was published in Nutritional Neuroscience, suggested that omega-3 fatty acids broke down more easily in people with ADHD. Another study, published a year later in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, suggested that children with ADHD were more likely to have low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids than normal children.Supplements such as calcium, vitamin B complex and magnesium have been reported by some ADHD people to be beneficial for the treatment of their neurobehavioural problems. The rationale is that both calcium and magnesium have a calming effect while B vitamins are required for proper brain function.Another type of ADHD vitamins being prescribed is organic spirulina. Spirulina, which is a microscopic blue-green algae, is full of nutrients (such as B vitamins, proteins, enzymes) and very easily digested. It also conatins gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid that the body converts to a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin E1 which has anti-inflammatory properties.It is advised that people with ADHD should stay clear of the following in their diet: apple cider vinegar,butter, bacon, candy, ham, chocolate, luncheon meat, milk, margarine, salami, hot dogs, soy sauce, mustard, and of course junk food. People with ADHD are also advised not to take food which have artificial colourings, flavourings, preservatives and monosodium glutamate.To hasten the alleviation of ADHD problems, doctors often advised their patients to take ADHD vitamins and do some outdoor phyical activities. Such activities help to develop social skill and improve motor DefaultValue@ThisisdefaultValue.usersshouldfillininformation.comAbout the AuthorThere are many ways to treat ADHD. Using ADHD vitamins is one of them. Learn about some of the other popular methods of treatment for ADHD by visiting this well researched site now =>
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